
The Revival Pod


According to the theory, the reflexologist’s application of pressure to feet, hands, or ears sends a calming Massage from the peripheral nerves in these extremities to the central nervous system, which in turn signals the body to adjust the tension level. This enhances overall relaxation, brings internal organs and their systems into a state of optimum functioning, and increases blood supply (which brings additional oxygen and nutrients to cells and enhances waste removal). Reflexology is an ancient therapy which involves application of pressure on the reflex zones on the sole of the foot to stimulate the central nervous system in order to trigger relaxation responses throughout the body. This enables various organ systems in the body to function as well as they can. Reflexology enhances well-being, promotes relaxation, relieves pain and leads to holistic health. There are the reflection points of all the organs in our feet. While pressing these points it stimulates the energy in the related organ. This stimulation helps to release energy block from there. In the path of ancient healing, it believes that the illness comes when the energy becomes imbalanced. All the meridian lines are connected to feet while pressing these points, energy current start flows in these lines which not only gives the relaxation to the mind-body but to removes the illness from them as well.

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